Farm your airdrops.

The ultimate AI-powered tool to farm all your
airdrops in one place
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Best multi-tool for airdrop farming

An AI-driven platform to manage and maximize airdrop farming opportunities.

Airdrop Finder

Locate and identify upcoming or ongoing airdrops in the cryptocurrency space

Portfolio Tracking

Track your farming progress with our integrated dashboard


Our ultimate feature: Reproduce on-chain farming actions

Airdrop Notifications

Stay informed of any new airdrops opportunities with our customizable notification system

Radardrop Chat

Ask our custom LLM any question regarding airdrops farming

Airdrop Claim Tracking

Never miss another airdrop claim on any blockchain with any of your wallets
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RadarDrop Token

The Radardrop token is a utility token that powers our ecosystem. It is used to pay for services and access premium features.

Networks on RadarDrop

We constantly expand our blockchain network coverage to provide the best airdrop hunting experience possible.
A decentralized platform that enables developers to build and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps).
More on the way


A blockchain-based platform designed to enhance digital asset management and improve the efficiency of financial transactions.
A decentralized staking protocol that allows users to earn staking rewards on various blockchain networks without locking up their assets.

NFT Mint

A blockchain-based service that provides tamper-proof verification and auditing of digital documents and transactions.


A decentralized exchange protocol that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets using automated liquidity pools.


A cross-chain communication protocol that facilitates the transfer of data and assets between different blockchain networks.
A decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that offers interoperability solutions for transferring assets and data across different blockchain ecosystems.

What’s next?

Q1 of 2024

Started development of the project on
Ethereum and EMV-compatible chains
Radardrop AI MVP release

Q2 of 2024

Development of our ultimate feature:
replication that allows you to replicate
actions on the blockhain to farm airdrops
More features added : airdrop notifications,
farming tracking, claim tracking

Q3 of 2024

Add new blockchains/networks to our tools
Add new automated tasks

In RadarDrop we aim to contribute to the community and rapidly expand our partners list with the most outstanding collaborators.

Explore our partners

In RadarDrop we aim to contribute to the community and rapidly expand our partners list with the most outstanding collaborators.
Partner up

All questions.

What is RadarDrop AI?

Radardrop is your new ultimate AI-powered tool that lets you farm airdrops all in one place.We utilize the Airdrop Radar database to gather all available data from various cryptocurrency projects across the internet.This information undergoes processing by the most performant AI models, including MISTRAL AI, GPT and GROK AI, known for their exceptional computational capabilities.

What is an airdrop?

A crypto airdrop is a marketing strategy employed by cryptocurrency projects to distribute free tokens to holders of a particular cryptocurrency or to individuals who perform specific tasks, such as stress testing a layer 1 testnet, minting NFTs, joining a Telegram group, following on social media, or completing other promotional activities.

How do I claim airdrops?

The process for claiming varies depending on the project, but most of the time once you know you’re eligible to a project airdrop, there will a page on their website where you can claim your allocation. Tokens can be automatically distributed to the wallets of users who holds a particular coin or a NFT for example. In contrast, other projects require users to have held the specified token during a snapshot, which captures token holders records at a specific time or block, in order to claim the tokens.

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questions answered?
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What is RadarDrop AI?

Radardrop is your new ultimate AI-powered tool that lets you farm airdrops all in one place.We utilize the Airdrop Radar database to gather all available data from various cryptocurrency projects across the internet.This information undergoes processing by the most performant AI models, including MISTRAL AI, GPT and GROK AI, known for their exceptional computational capabilities.

What is an airdrop?

A crypto airdrop is a marketing strategy employed by cryptocurrency projects to distribute free tokens to holders of a particular cryptocurrency or to individuals who perform specific tasks, such as stress testing a layer 1 testnet, minting NFTs, joining a Telegram group, following on social media, or completing other promotional activities.

How do I claim airdrops?

The process for claiming varies depending on the project, but most of the time once you know you’re eligible to a project airdrop, there will a page on their website where you can claim your allocation. Tokens can be automatically distributed to the wallets of users who holds a particular coin or a NFT for example. In contrast, other projects require users to have held the specified token during a snapshot, which captures token holders records at a specific time or block, in order to claim the tokens.